Welcome to Global
Harvest & Network

A vibrant and Christ-Centered community that connect Christians from diverse backgrounds and locations in fellowship, prayer and spiritual support

About Global Harvest & Network

At Global Harvest And Network, we exist to empower and uplift believers who have embarked on the courageous journey of living out their faith in a foreign country. Global Harvest And Network is not just an outreach; its rather a family of believers committed to walking the faith journey together. . We invite you to become a part of our community, connect with Christians from around the world, and discover the strength that comes from unity in Christ. No matter where you are, your faith can flourish. Let Global Harvest And Network be your guide as you live out your Christian calling in a diverse and dynamic world.



You are not alone. Global Harvest And Network connects you with like-minded individuals from various parts of the world who share your experiences and challenges. Our platform fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie, allowing you to build a meaningful lasting relationship with fellow reliable believers.


We provide resources and guidance on how to integrate your faith seamlessly into your new cultural context. Whether you are studying, working or residing in a foreign country, our community equips you with the tools to navigate cultural differences while remaining true to your Christian values.


Life as an international Christian can be both rewarding and challenging. We offer a support system that listens, understands, empathizes and uplifts. Our discussion forums and prayer cells provide a safe space to share your experiences, testimonies, advice and offer encouragement to others facing similar situations. The tiniest hole can sink a ship. One person’s challenge is every person’s challenge and one person’s victory is every person’s victory.

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